April 1, 2011

The Cross We Bear

April 2,2011

Nobody truly knows what goes on inside each and everyone of us but us. We all have a besetting struggle. Sometimes we may look at someone and think "Boy, that person seems to have it made". But the reality is that they too suffer with something. Sometimes our troubles are brought on by bad decisions. Sometimes they just appear out of nowhere. Some may feel they deserve them, while others feel cheated. Either way, we all live with something. Right now I am sitting in bed with either a brewing bronchial infection or some random virus. I am having major surgery in less than 3 weeks and I just can't afford to be sick now, but I am. I can't control it. And that is the story of my life. I need to stop and take a pain pill.......
Ok, I'm back. I thought about writing down my story so many times but just didn't have the energy to do it. You see, I look so healthy on the outside, but what you can't see with the naked eye is simply a mess! My hope is that in sharing my story, I will somehow help others to see that although they may feel all alone in their suffering, we are all traveling the same road in life regardless of the potholes, bumps and detours.